Tag Archive for: Preschool

Pebbles Nursery School Klopperpark had it’s first concert and year end party on Saturday 26 November 2016. The children did so well and both parents and children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Well done to the principal for 2016, Geraldine Tee and her staff, Cornerstone Church Life Team lead by Tebogo Ntuli, as well as the fundraising team, for doing an excellent job in setting up and catering. Pebbles Klopperpark were also able to give each child a Christmas shoe box, generously donated by a group of ladies and the fund raising team.

Thank you to the team of people who hosted the monthly Good Morning fundraising breakfast for the parents of Pebbles Nursery School Bedfordview. Along with delighting parents with their incredible spread of food they also managed to raise R10 000 in Profit for Pebbles Klopperpark and Pebbles Primrose. The schools are so grateful for the generosity of all who donated this year.

Pebbles Nursery School Primrose has seen incredible growth this past year, the school ended last year with ten children, of which two graduated and continued on to Primary School. This year Pebbles ended with 21 children of which 5 have graduated. The school celebrated the end of the year with their annual concert and graduation. The children had a wonderful time showcasing some of what they have learnt this year. The children were energetic and enjoyed the attention of being in the limelight. The parents celebrated with their children and applauded them proudly. It was also a lovely opportunity to thank all those involved with making it possible to keep the doors open at Pebbles Primrose this year.

A team from the Pebbles Nursery School Primrose went to the Makuasi Informal Settlement, in November 2016, to meet with the Community Leaders in order to discuss problems raised by the residents of Makausi. The concerns raised:
– That Pebbles Primrose was providing children with an education outside of the community.
– That these children should rather be benefitted at the local schools.
– That local schools were being robbed of the opportunity to educate these children.
– That the transport provided to the students should be provided by local taxi drivers and not be outsourced to individuals that are not part of their community.

After discussing the matters the team was able to assure the leaders that, the school only accept families, that are unemployed and in dire situations.

Pebbles Primrose have assured the leaders that the school will be working alongside them more closely. Pebbles will endeavour to involve more people from the community when work opportunities arise.

Lunga, the co-operative governance and traditional affairs leader of Makausi, managed the meeting well and was able to bring peace and relationship from the meeting. The relationship that was formed with the https://healthandfitnessblogs.com/meds/valium/ community leaders will continue to grow and bring about growth for the community and for Pebbles Primrose.